Become a Volunteer

Please contact or if you are interested in any of the following roles or would like to know more about what is involved.


Sharing the Position of Program Director:

We have one person who will take on the Program Director role if it can be shared with one or two other people. An option might be to have one director for each of the following areas: children and youth, adult and family and special events.

Editing and Designing Community Newsletter:

We produce a community newsletter 3 times a year – spring, fall and winter. We need someone with design and graphics experience to take the information provided by directors and volunteers and turn it into a document that is print ready. Templates from previous newsletters are available. This person could also assist with design of posters and promotions for League activities. Thanks to Nikki Stalker who did an amazing job of preparing the newsletter for several years.

Coordinating the Parent and Tot Program:

For a number of years parents and young children have been gathering at the hall and playground 1 morning a week. We need a parent(s) willing to restart this program once the hall has reopened and/or continue the program online or outdoors as needed. Thanks to Yaara Ben-Ami who coordinated the program for the last 2 years. She and her team made it a great success.

Helping with Events, Programs and Special Projects:

This can include anything from giving an hour of your time to help set up or clean up after an event to sharing your skills and experience on special projects over weeks or months. Volunteering is the best way to get to know your neighbours and your neighbourhood and to make Avonmore an even better place to live.

Have an Idea or Related Content to Share?

Submit your propositions and pictures / videos of our community events here.

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